I have to confirm my Home Location again and again

In 2022, I asked why I had to continuously confirm my Home location. It turned out that it was because I had two Homes with the same name: Home. I followed Matt’s advice and deleted one of my two Homes.

But since then, I continue to have to confirm my Home location every day.

I have reviewed every day since 2019 (a huge task) to make sure that this location was not misassigned, but I found nothing abnormal.

What more can I do to remedy this situation?

Hi again @siso!

Arc will ask for confirmation of auto place assignments if it’s not confident in its selection. The most common reason for that is that there’s another place, second in the list, that also has a similar probability of being correct. If the best match isn’t significantly more likely than the second best match, it will ask for confirmation.

So yeah, that’ll be what we should look for first: What’s the second place in the list? And why does Arc think that second place is also a very likely candidate?

Hi Matt,

Thank you for being here once again :yum:

I have reviewed 5 years of recordings. Everything looks correct to me. I live in the countryside and the only place I occasionally go to is a bakery that is 500 meters from my house.

In short, nothing seems to have a level of confidence such that Arc confuses its location with a place where I am every day.

Incidentally, I must say that I am also affected by the infamous bug that forces other users to reconfirm locations that had already been confirmed.

Hm. So the second place in the list is that bakery? That one should be excluded from automatic assignment, due to lack of overlap.

Could you send me a screenshot (to matt@bigpaua.com) of the place results list? If the second in the list isn’t overlapping/nearby, I can’t think of any other good reason why it shouldn’t be feeling confident in the best match.

I just got your screenshot. Thanks!

So… the bakery definitely doesn’t overlap the visit, because there’s an underline between Home and the bakery in the results list. (That underline is to separate the “overlapping places” at the top of the list from places that don’t overlap the visit’s radius).

And the bakery is almost 400 metres away, which again makes is a really bad match.

Hmm… There really is no obvious good reason why it’d be asking for confirmation. I’m having a poke through the code now, to see if I can spot any more potential clues. And… I’m not seeing any useful clues there either. Damn.

I wonder if it’s a case of one or more Home visits being incorrectly assigned to the bakery. It’s a long shot, given that you’ve already vetted a lot of timeline history! But at this stage I’m not thinking of any other clever ideas, let alone not-so-clever ideas.

The place match scoring makes use of distance from place centre, but it also makes a map of the “shape” of the place, based on locations within previous confirmed visits, and includes in the score whether the visit’s centre touches that “map”. So for example if a place has two adjacent buildings, the shapes and locations of those two buildings will be included in that “place map”, and… Eh, I’m confusing myself with this explanation.

But anyway, yeah, it’s a long shot, but that’s all I’ve got at this stage. Maybe a Home visit has been misaligned to the bakery, messing up the bakery’s “map”. That shouldn’t mess up the auto assignment confidence enough to require confirmation, but yeah, otherwise I’m all out of guesses!

Thanks Matt for these explanations.

I’m going to check all the visits to the bakery to make sure none have been incorrectly assigned to Home.

Oh, and I also wanted to thank you for this great app. I just love it.
