Workout import overwrote week of Arc data

I was cleaning up my timeline and imported a workout from a while ago. This was a 2.5 hour walk but got imported as a 8 day 2 hour walk, overwriting about a week of Arc history.

Hi @rdouma!

You’ve struck upon a mystery bug there that I’ve yet to find the cause of, unfortunately. There was a bug where some workout recording apps were accidentally recording their first location sample with an incorrect time, which could cause this. But I worked around that one, so it’s not that. It’s instead… another one that looks pretty much the same in result, but not the same in the data that causes it. And I don’t have an example of the data that causes it, so … I’m not sure what’s happening.

You can fix it by just disabling the imported workout. You can also split the imported data, so that you can disable only the portion that’s overlapping the existing data. If you go that route let me know how you get on! I can possibly assist if it gets fiddly.

For the actual cause of it and a fix so that it doesn’t happen again… I’d like that too. As soon as I figure out how it sometimes happens! Thankfully it’s quite rare now. But yeah… there’s some mystery condition where it can still happen.