Monthly view no longer displays data

I first noticed this in June, but now that I try to look at July’s travels I am having the same problem. Daily, weekly, and yearly seem to be working properly. The green ‘importing’ banner never goes away, either, if that helps.

Thank you!

Have you restored from backup recently?

the “IMPORTING” indicator is for the Moves app import. If you’ve got Moves data in the Arc App folder on iCloud Drive, and the app has been reinstalled after being uninstalled (or perhaps on a new phone), the app won’t know that it’s already been imported, and will be attempting to do the import again.

Also the backups don’t contain the simplified timeline data that’s used for the monthly and yearly map views, so that needs to be rebuilt after restoring from backup.

The simplified data for month/year map views will get rebuilt automatically in daily scheduled background tasks, but it can take quite a while to fill in again. So you can hurry it along by viewing the monthly/yearly views while the phone is plugged in to power. If the data is missing, and the phone is plugged in to power, Arc will start that task immediately, in the foreground, to attempt to fill it in faster.

I just did a full restore from backup on my main phone, so I’ve been going through this process over the past week or two, and now my monthly/yearly views have all caught up and fleshed out. I got it done about half by looking at them while plugged in to power, and the rest got finished up in the overnight scheduled tasks.

It probably took about a week to finish up, because I didn’t bother to pester it by waiting for it to fill everything in while plugged in to power. It probably would’ve been faster if I’d kept at it, viewing each year or month, and sitting it out, waiting, while plugged in to power. But it wasn’t really vital information for me, so I didn’t bother with the hassle, and mostly left it to the scheduled tasks to get it done.

Have you restored from backup recently?

I have not, no significant changes were made to my device.

Hm. Well then that makes this quite a mystery!

To get rid of the “importing” indicator, remove any Moves data from the Arc App folder on iCloud Drive.

For the monthly/yearly map views… I have no idea how those could disappear! That is extremely odd - I’ve never seen it happen before. But hopefully the process I described above will help to speed along the rebuilding of that map data.