I have over 10 years of data and every time I change or reset a device it is extremely difficult and time consuming to transfer the data.
Is there a way to export the data as a single zip file to be opened on the new device? Do we need to manually copy files from iCloud Drive?
Where exactly should I put the “GPX” and “JSON” folders? I tried some alternatives without success:
Inside the “Import” folder on iCloud Drive
Inside an Export folder in the “Import” folder on iCloud Drive
Inside the same folder ”On My iPhone”
Inside a “moves_export” folder on the root iCloud Drive Arc App folder
Inside a “moves_export.zip” on the root iCloud Drive Arc App folder
No matter what I try, when I click on “Open File Importer” there are zero Sample/ Note/ Day Summary/ Timeline Item/ Place Files
The backup never begins (or at least there’s no indicator anywhere that it’s ongoing)
The “Restore backup” banner does not show.
Do I need to enable iCloud Drive backups for it to recover from those backups?
My iPhone has been charging with the Arc Timeline open and auto-lock disabled for over an hour with no signs of progress! Among all the apps with backup files, this is the last one that’s still pending. It’s extremely frustrating!
First up: the place to copy the “Previous Backups” folder into is the “Import” folder. Once it’s in there Arc will be able to find all the files and show them in the “File Importer” view. From there you can tap either “Import All” at the top of the sample files list, or do them one week at a time, to step through the import and check as you go. The other file types will be auto imported as dependents of the samples. (Though Notes and Day Summaries do need a quick “Import All” tap to import - those aren’t dependents).
A bit of background as to why this is such a challenge: Arc records an absurd amount of data. Its database is measured in gigabytes. And the backups are potentially also absurdly big. It’s basically just a “there’s a whole lot of data” problem. iOS’s processes for setting up a new phone seem to not cope.
When you setup a new phone you can get it to do it all correctly, without having to do this manual restore from Arc’s backup files. Or at least you can create a situation where it’s more likely to succeed. To do that you need to not touch Arc or Arc Recorder at all after setting up the new phone, and just leave them for a day or so, so that iOS can finish downloading/copying over the database files. If instead Arc is opened before that’s finished it gets started up as though it’s a fresh install, with empty database