Backup failed after reinstall

I had to reinstall the app and the back apparently failed.

I have a several folders called: “Previous Backups B7EAE83B”, “Backups 2” and “Import 2” that seem to have all the files. Is it possible to get them restored?

Hi @biota-jingles-05!

Yes, you can import from any of the “Previous Backups” folders.

Find the largest and most recent one, and copy it into the “Import” folder. Note that you should copy it in, not move it, as you always want to ensure you’re working with a copy, not the original.

Then go into Arc’s Settings tab, then Backup, Import & Export, and “Open File Importer”.

Once that view has finished loading the files, you can tap the “Import All” button at the top of the “Sample Files” section.

You should also tap Import All on the Note Files section, and Day Summary Files sections.

I was able to import the 59 sample files, but at some point during the import of 434 Day Summary Files ARC crashes. Ive tried several times with the same results.

Reading some other threads on similar issues, it could because iCloud has not synced ll the files. I will give it some time and try again.

Yeah that would be my first guess too. If Arc has to request the files be downloaded, it clogs up the system for some reason. Getting them downloaded by Apple’s Files app is much faster.

Although for the Day Summary files, it’s really not a big deal. Those literally only contain the information of whether you favourited the day or not. So if they don’t get imported it’s no big loss (unless you use the favourite days feature a lot!)

Glad to hear you got Sample files all imported! That’s the big one - that’s all your timeline data. So with that restored you’re back in business.