How to create a new location

Hi @siso!

If the Individual Segments view already shows a “stationary” segment at the right time and place, you can just tap on that and assign a Place to it. But if not, you will have to do segment splitting.

My personal method is similar to @Hutima’s, though I try to avoid setting the whole timeline item to a single type first, because it’s really only the samples/segment around the time I was stationary that I care about. So I’ll go down the list of segments in the Individual Segments view, find the segment that overlaps the time period I want, then I’ll split that segment so that the most appropriate half/part of it is stationary, which will then give me a stationary segment to assign a Place to at roughly the correct location and time.

After assigning a Place to the stationary segment, the processing engine might then automatically clean up the edges of the new Visit, such that it best matches the clustering of data around a single location. So even if you didn’t get the exact right samples changed to stationary, the processing engine might figure out the rest itself. But if the visit was very brief there might not be enough samples for the processing engine to figure that out, so you might have a little bit more cleanup to do after.

There was recent discussion about a possible way to improve this flow, which might be worth a read. The last part of this reply being most relevant.