Look in contacts

Request that when adding a new private location, arc be able to look in contacts/address book for a match.

Really enjoy the app, keep up the good work.

Thanks for your help.

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Hi @PageRR! Thanks for your kind words :smile:

I’m guessing this is for cases where you’re visiting a friend’s home? Although I guess Contacts can be businesses too. Though hopefully those will already be in Foursquare’s database :thinking:

I recommend submitting it as a feature suggestion on Arc’s Changemap site!

I haven’t been following up on popular feature suggestions for a long while now, due to combination of indie developer burnout and pandemic. But I’m gradually starting to ramp up again, with a new feature release coming soon. So I’ll also be looking through the backlog of feature requests, and aiming to chip off some of the highest voted ones as I make progress back to better productivity!

Thanks again :smile: