Bulk delete of GPX data

Hi Matt,

Went of a recent airplane flight. Arc ‘kinda’ tracked it well enough (I am OK with all the limitations of the current system inside of a plane). However, being the pedantic guy that I am, I decided to download the KML file from FlightAware, convert it to a GPX file and import this into Arc. BIG mistake as I now have hundreds of individual entries that I want to delete.

Anyway of bulk deleting this GPX log?

Does anyone on the forum know of a webpage/app (Apple system) that converts a KML file into the correct format for Arc?


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Eek! Sounds like the KML to GPX conversion converted it to a bunch of waypoints instead of tracks.

For deleting the imported waypoints/visits, unfortunately there’s no bulk way to do it :persevere: It’s going to have to be a very tedious one-at-a-time process. Sorry about that!

I’ve never tried that conversion myself, but the thing to look out for is whether the resulting GPX file has sensible looking tracks inside (trk elements with lists of coordinates inside). GPX waypoint elements get imported as visits, while GPX track elements get imported as paths (ie the kind of timeline item you want).